Friday, June 11, 2010

At the "Bible House"


On Wednesday, I went to a women's Bible study. The ladies wanted to dedicate a little church. One of the "Internally displaced people" (IDP for short) from the 2008 election chaos built a little building to be used for Bible studies and prayer meetings. Her name is Margret Nangiro. She calls it her "Bible House." It is actually bigger than her house.

Anyway, I went for the Bible Study and the prayer time. We spent time singing praise songs in Turkana and some Swahili. I didn't know the Swahili songs, but I could hum along. The songs are all very lively in both languages and it makes you want to clap and dance along. We had a good time praising the Lord. After the Bible study, Margret served chai. That is hot tea with milk and lots of sugar to all the ladies. She had to save up to buy the sugar. It was very yummy! Afterwards, I took pictures of all the little kids that showed up. They were very attentive and sang along with the songs. There were about 25 kids along with the 13 ladies, 2 men and myself in this little "Bible House." We were packed like sardines, but a good time was had by all! :)

I just figured out how to post pictures so I will try to post two for this blog. One of the ladies in the Bible house and one of the kids outside by my truck. They were all in the prayer and worship time! Margret is the tall, black lady ( :>} ). She is wearing the green & purple shirt in the back row on the right. Enjoy and I hope you have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. God bless Margaret and her sacrifices.
