Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Way of Ants...and people

This past week I saw a long line of ants going in both directions.  I followed the line into my mind and thought.  We are a lot like ants.  We follow those who have gone before us.  We do what needs to be done as we walk the line.  I wondered if those ants knew where they were going and why they were going there.  Did they wonder too?  Did they ask?
Our lives are journeys toward something.  Sometimes we know exactly where we are going and why we are going there.  Sometimes we just keep going even if we don't know what the end result will be.  If we are people of faith, we know the end goal, but maybe not the in between stages and turnings.  We are often left with questions along the way.  Even so, we keep following the way that is set before us praying for insight and wisdom to see the turnings in time to make them.  We move along in the journey trying to serve and live lives that will bring glory to our creator.  We think we know why we are here in this particular place and time, but wonder where this path may be taking us in the next part of the journey.
A turn on the way
Ants follow the pheromones of the ants that went before them.  Me, I follow the Lord Jesus Christ, but there is no pheromone trail for me to sniff out.  So, how do I know where I am going?  Just like those ants, I don't know exactly where I am going.  There is a "trail" to help me follow.  The Word, God's Spirit living in me prompting my actions, faithful witnesses present and past, helpful comments and critiques from fellow followers - all these things help mark the way.  So, like the ants, I may not know where the journey is taking me, but I am going to keep taking those steps of faith each day because I know God has a plan for me in this journey.  What about you?  Any thoughts on your journey or about ants?  I'd love to hear them.

Seeing the ants was one of my gifts from God this week.  I'm listing out a few of the ways God makes himself known in my present, as my present.  It is a blessing to me and I hope it is a small one to you as well.

a gift bent, broken & beautiful
208. A long line of ants bent on a specific task.
209. Monday's sweet, beautiful smile as she caught up to me on my walk today.
Taken in Nov. '11
210. My "broken" Turkana that is still able to communicate love.
3 gifts in the kitchen
211. My double sided sign - a gift from friends that never fails to bring questions from guest and smiles to my face.
the kitchen side
the dining room side
212. My newish stove and crockpot that help to make cooking easier!
213. My fridge covered with pictures - the faces of friends all over the world.

214. a gift loud - The hum of the town generator.  It is a 15 minute walk away and noisy, but it means I have the many blessings of power.
215. Being able to help a new family adjust to this place just a little.
216. Seeing a cat completely comfortable laying on a gunny sack over greens being sold in a shop in town.  Only here :).

217. "Science lesson" with the Harris kids sharing about the line of ants seen again today.

218. A quiet day of reflecting and work.
219. Kakalei's big smile and greeting every first time he sees me in a day.
220. Encouragement from an unexpected source :).
221. Reading Dr. Suess to some of my kids.
222. Playing kick the ball (backwards) with some kids while out walking.
223. Finding Scripturetyper.com to help me with my memory work.
3 Gifts read
224. God's word in Turkana - Joyful praise in their heart language.

225. In the Company of Others - a good read!
226. E-mails from home to brighten the day.
227. Kids on the rocks yelling down greetings.

228. Good prayer time with friends.  Turkana grapes(!!) & John 15.
229. Pretty in pink.



  1. Love this! Thank you for sharing:)

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Annie! I love reading your blog. I shared your book with some of "my" teenaged girls. They didn't understand all of it (TV and a few other references are just not part of their world), but they enjoyed it and I enjoyed talking with them about it. Thanks for your service!
