Wednesday, October 31, 2012

End of October blessings!

I got to carve a pumpkin this past week.  This pumpkin has two sides to it and gives a message.  I didn't plan it that way, but realized it after I had done the carving.  So, I hope you enjoy my pumpkin telling you that Jesus is the Light of the World!

These past few weeks have been full of the Lord's blessings.  I have traveled and spent time with lots of friends and my listed gifts show it.  Enjoy!

932. A heron seen on the side of the busy highway.
933. A concert full of things to ponder.
Andrew Peterson in Louisville, KY
 934. Friends welcoming me in – Thanks Shauna & Kelsey!
935. A beautiful campus and tour of Team Expansion.
936. A great visit with my cousin!

937. A unexpected road

938. A hearty welcome from friends.

939. Cool cats Dusty & Harley

940. The beautiful fallen leaves.

941. Joyful JoAnn who shared her home and heart with me!
JoAnn and Abby who doesn't quite fit in the basket :)
942. A fun interview or two at Perry Christian Church
943. A good meeting with the missions team.
944. Faithful supporters through the years!
945. A nice drive from Ohio to Knoxville, TN.
946. Skyline Chili for lunch!
947. A visit with old friends and beautiful Johnson U. campus.
948. McKay’s books – a used book lover’s downfall!
949. Just being with friends.
950. Sleeping in!
951. A visit with Bill
952. Seeing several friends at ECS board meeting.
953. Pumpkipuncture
It had a head ache and needed pain relief :)
 954. Pumpkin carving fun with friends.

955. A kind person helping me with my non-starting car
956. Milligan’s homecoming

 957. Spending time with college friends
958. My car seems to be ok – a reprieve for my pocketbook!
959. Class reunion – small turn out, but big fun!

960. Lunch and old friends.

961. A great play with friends’ kids in the cast.

962. He breathed into the words and sermon done!
963. Fellowship at the pitch-in meal at Downtown CC.
964. Resting in Him.
965. Brunch with Jerry and Laura.
966. Brush with Sandy only brought rain and cold.
967. Planning & cleaning done.
968. Dinner with Tim & Beth.
969. The Coffee place with Eddie and Billye Joyce.
970. An appointment that fits my schedule for a hair cut.
971. Chatting fellowship in online group – such a blessing

Thanks for reading my blessings!  I hope you are counting yours in some way as well.  It really does help add joy to your everyday life and it cuts down on complaining too.

I'm linking up with Ann and friends

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