Monday, January 9, 2012

counting the blessings


I read the book One Thousand Gifts: A Dare To Live Fully Right Where You Are by Ann Voskamp last year in February.  I wrote then about some of the things I was thankful for.  But, as these things seem to go, I got out of the habit almost as quickly as I got into it.  This year Ann has issued a "dare" on her blog to anyone who wants to take it.  The dare is to list 1000 gifts of things we are thankful for this year.  So, I am going to try to do that.  To help, I am going to list my thanks here every Monday or as often as I can.  So, here is my list so far.

1-1-12 list 3 things you about yourself you are thankful for -

  1. Thanks for my name "Lynn" and its meaning.
  2. Thanks that you, Lord, delight in me when I don't always feel so delightful.
  3. My nose is a gift from you - how it looks and what it does for me :)
1-2-12 a gift outside, inside, & on a plate

4. Seeing a little boy @5? holding a little girl's hand @3 on the side of the road as I traveled to Lodwar.
5. The audio story of Hannah Coulter on my Ipod as I drove
6. Rooster pizza ready to eat after a long drive home (in my cooler from Eldoret)

1-3-12 3 graces to you

7. Lorry drivers who stopped to help yesterday!
8. A child's "thank you"
9. Friends in the States ok after what could have been a bad accident

1-4-12 A gift old, new and blue

10. The Cross!
11. A Kindle!
12. My blue room & blue clothes - my favorite color :)

1-5-12 something you're reading, making, seeing

13. Henri Nouwen's Bread for the Journey
14. A colorful lunch - carrots, cabbage, mushroom, spring onion, & Ramen
15. A child's smile for a simple biscuit (cookie).

1-6-12 Something in your bag (didn't have one), fridge, & heart

16. Colby cheese found in Nairobi at Christmas!
17. In my mouth - an ice cold Dr. Pepper also found in Nairobi at Christmas! YUM!
18. Questions and Hope - thanks for both!

1-7-12 Graces from people you love (& an accomplishment + by me)

19. Kid's enjoying & wearing new swimsuits I gave them in a new little pool
20. Teammates' welcoming smiles.
21. dreaded receipts entered through Dec - now on to reports!

1-8-12 My own thanks (not from the dare calendar help)

22. Little Boys dressed in new clothes for church in Turkana.
23. Apples and Cheese (the colby from above) - Yum!
24. My friend came to church! - unexpected.

1-9-12 a gift in your hand, a gift you walked by, and a gift you found

25. A package for "my" Turkana kids in the mail!
26. Sleeping Chewy up high.
27. Zucchini in town & in my bag!

Okay, I probably won't put the suggested things every time, but thought it might help this time.  I am supposed to link this up with Ann's site but I am not sure how to do that.  I am also supposed to put her button on here.  I hope how I think I am to do that works :).  If you would like to join the dare - check out Ann's blog at


Okay, I guess that didn't work.  Anyone want to help me figure out how to get this button on my post?


  1. Bless you, Lynn! wonderful things to be thankful for. May God give you a wonderful week! Gail (Bible Love Notes)

  2. Hannah Coulter is a good read... or listen, in your case :)

  3. Yes, I enjoyed it but need to get back to it to hear the end :).

  4. Love you post and list even if you can't post the image. So blessed to "meet" you here. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks Amy! I can post some images, but it takes a long time and I haven't gotten into the habit of taking pictures of my gifts yet. I'll have to work on that one and see what I can do this week :). Thanks for stopping by and for commenting!

    Oh, maybe you meant the button? I really would like to figure out how to get the "Multitudes on Monday" button to appear. I'm not very blog savvy so I don't know how to do it. So, I have two things I need to work on :).
