Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A week of Thanks!

I am a day late in posting my counting of God's blessings for the past week.  I have been in meetings the last two days and just did not have time to get this typed up and posted.  This past week I was home in Lodwar for a couple of days and then I was in Nairobi.  Just FYI :)

118. Beautiful bird song outside my window.
119. Baby Boniface Ekidor Longok.  So, thankful he came on his own when we thought his mom was going to have to go to the not so good hospital in Lodwar!
3 red gifts
120. Fuchsia flowers over a wall.

121. Seeing an old college friend in Nairobi and sharing a meal to catch up - he has red hair :)
122. Bright Turkana women dressed for a politician's visit in red, green, blue and yellow beads.
123. Hospitable friends who open their hearts and homes to me whenever I am in town.
124. A vehicle I can borrow while I am in Nairobi to get around town.
125.  A chance to see a movie in a theatre - Warhorse - good, but a tear jerker.
126. Playing cards with friends.
3 gifts of Laughter overheard
127. Laughing over God's sense of humor with a teenaged friend.
128. Hearing people laughing and bargaining at an open air handcraft market.
129. Hearing people laugh at other tables while in a restaurant.

130. Nostalgic moment at finding a book I read when in grade school.
131. Not feeling well, but able to easily get the medicines to treat what ails me.
132. Family movie night with the Caziers.  Fun, popcorn, and a movie.  What's not to like?
133.  Being able to see the hustle and bustle of Nairobi and not feel like I have to take part in it.  A very peaceful day shopping and resupplying for my return to Lodwar.
134. Praising Jesus in word and song in an English worship service.  What a Joy!
135. Lunch, laughter and fun with friends after church.
136. Seeing the movie "The Help" after reading the book and being saddened and challenged by both.
137. A home full of friends and teammates for a meeting (blah) - but so good to have the feeling of being in each other's presence and sharing His work!
138. Great news about Hope Partnership starting a centre in Lodwar!  300 children to be sponsored, schooled and their families transformed through the hope of the Gospel.
139. God's peace in the midst of many questions.

I forgot to bring my camera with me from Turkana so I don't have many pictures this time.  Hopefully, the words will suffice to give you an idea of the blessings of my past week.  

I enjoy comments, so leave one and tell me a thing or two that you are thankful for this week.  If your interested in finding out about sponsoring a child contact me and I will get the information.  I really am very excited to see what God is going to do through Hope Partnership in Turkana!

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